Last Updated: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 02:56:52 PM

- Art on the Net

- Online Studio showcasing various artists work.
- Adaweb

- This site establishes a much needed platform for Web specific
content in which contemporary artists can discourse with the
Internet community. Hot and cold, soft and hard, glaring and subtle,
Adaweb encompasses the entire spectrum in one cohesive design
providing an electronic forum for experimental artists to display
the fruits of their labor.
- Communication Arts

- Communication Arts, "the essential creative resource,"
is a professional print journal for graphic designers and others in
the visual arts. Communication Arts' primary function is to showcase
the best in design from around the world. This site is also packed
with resources for designers "to enhance their work and careers
and [serve as] a catalyst for bringing community to visual
communicators around the world."
- The Digital
Photography Exhibit

- The Digital Photography Exhibit is a juried show created by
artists working in digital photography. Defined by the jury as
"a two-dimensional image which originated in a lens-imaging
device (that) was then brought to completion on a computer,"
digital photography includes images originally captured by analog
film cameras, video cameras, still-video cameras, digital cameras,
and 3D-scanners.

- Levi's

- Levi's, the company that invented blue jeans, and it's trademark
product are as American as apple pie and baseball. Levi's very big,
very engaging Web site is a multimedia extravaganza that goes
all-out in an effort to attract folks to it's online promotional
effort. The history section, laid out along a timeline, shows, at a
glance, when copper rivets were introduced, say, (1873) or when belt
loops became a fixture of American fashion (not until 1922).
- M&M's Studios

- It's a brilliant production, really, and sure to delight the kids.
The home page is a parody of "Variety," Hollywood's
industry newspaper. It's covered with clickable articles about the
red, yellow, and blue animated M&M's from the TV commercials.
The "Lab" section of the site is devoted to three
Shockwave games, which aren't exactly groundbreaking but are
well-programmed and fun. To enter the "Lab," you have to
enter your year of birth in a form field. If you are too old, your
access will be denied.
- Matchbox

- Former Matchbox owners will do lots of reminiscing as they cruise
around this site, but that's just a pleasant by-product of the
experience. The real draw is all of the great cars and tracks, from
the Matchbox Originals to the Torque Spin Racers that run on
towering three-feet tall Zero G tracks. You can even give the tracks
a virtual test spin in the Zero-G VRML environment! Starting with
the Mega-Showroom, you'll find four different product lines: the
1-75 Line, Super Rigs, Premiere Collection, and Originals. Should
you be looking for a higher degree of interactivity, you can create
your own personalized vehicle in the Custom Auto Body Shop. Other
activities include the "Get in the Fast Lane Contest,"
where the Grand Prize Winner gets their name on a Matchbox model.
There's also an Ask the Expert, FAQ, and Collectors' Links.
- The Toro Company

- The consumer product area is a well-designed candyland for anyone
that occasionally likes to work in the earth, but with a lot of
horsepower. There is an index of products that range from tractors
to outdoor lighting. The section with tractors and snowblowers has a
utility that will suggest the right tool for you, based on your
answers to a questionnaire. The lighting section shows the many
different styles of outdoors lights, and has a whole section on how
to design a lighting plan. The yard care section features a virtual
expert who you can offer advice about lawn maintenance. A number of
documents, in official FAQ format, deal with grass, weeds, leaves,
and pests.

- ArchNet

- A branch of the vast WWW Virtual Library project, ArchNet is a
simple, elegant resource page for archaeologists, housed at the
University of Connecticut. Like any good library, ArchNet has
resources for everyone, from the curious child, to the student
interested in a career in archaeology, to the professional
archaeologist. ArchNet has a software archive for researchers;
programs available include statistical applications, mapping
software, even a program for analyzing arrowheads. Educators will
find excellent links to course materials from the University of
Connecticut, plus online tutorials, and information on college
archaeology programs.
- College Money

- This site from Signet Bank provides a pretty extensive overview of
the whole higher education money game. Especially useful is the book
"Don't Miss Out: The Ambitious Student's Guide to Financial
Aid", which lays out the basics of finding funding and
planning your finances over the long haul. Not only is the entire
text presented online here, but it's updated for to coincide with
the coming academic year. Electronic forms are provided for ordering
student loan applications and the like. Also useful to the college
hopeful is the Financial Aid Time Line, which gives a prescribed
chronology for securing tuition dollars, a concise budgeting
worksheet, some tips on managing your cash flow, and a brief
tutorial on building credit. When you've exhausted the resources
here, there's a page of associated links to keep your surfing on

- OncoLink

- Geared to health care personnel as well as patients and their
families, OncoLink was the first multimedia oncology (Cancer)
resource on the Internet. In addition to it's extensive local
content, there's a comprehensive list of links to journals and
newsletters relating to cancer. Perhaps most useful to patients is
the Psychosocial Support and Personal Experiences area, which
focuses on ways to cope with cancer and loss. Visit the Financial
Issues for Patients section to get comprehensive information about
billing, insurance, and assistance programs. This site maintains
links to studies under way at the University of Pennsylvania and the
National Cancer Institute, among others. You can also discover the
latest cancer-related conferences and meetings going on around the


Updated: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 02:56:52 PM